MPHc Elli Komito completed an internship with the community-based non-profit organization Women With A Vision.
MPHc Elli Komito completed an internship with the community-based non-profit organization Women With A Vision.
MPHc Christopher Gay completed an internship with the Nevada State Office o Rural Health where he conducted a health needs assessment for Elko County.
Krista Hansen, MPH, completed an internship with the City of Tucson where she conducted an evaluation of the feasibility of lowering speed limits on Tucson's bicycle boulevards.
Amanda Urbina completed an internship with the Boys & Girls Club of Peach Springs where she developed a 10-session program that focuses on cultural engagement to increase Hualapai youth educational outcomes.
Lisa Driscoll completed an internship where she developed an evaluation plan for the Medical Weight Management Program at El Rio Community Health Center.
Sarah Rawdin, RN, presents her conclusions from her internship with Higher Ground in Tucson, AZ on nutrition and wellness programming for elementary-aged children.
Abby Stoica, MPH presents her internship project on evaluating the impact of Manzo Elementary School Garden on student stress.
Tammy Trujillo completed an internship with the Tuba City Regional Health Care Corporation where she conducted a conducted a community health survey and engagement.
Elizabeth Dawn Hunt completed an internship where she created a Participatory Evaluation Project for the Center for American Indian Resilience.
Carmenlita Chief completed an internship where she designed a culturally-adapted health education toolkit on second-hand smoke exposure risks for Navajo adults 18-35 years old.