Course Summary:

Evaluators from the Arizona Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program - Education Arm (SNAP-Ed) provide an overview of their program planning process, specifically as related to re-evaluating and defining the focus of their obesity prevention initiative. This course presents examples of conducting a root cause analysis, developing a logic model, and utilizing the Socio-Ecological Model throughout the process of program planning and evaluation.

Learning Goals:
 - Develop evaluative thinking in leaders and managers.
 - Understand best practice program planning and evaluation in public health.

Learning Objectives:
- Employ appropriate methods to engage your priority users in program planning for obesity prevention.
  - Prepare to create or revise a program logic model that is informed by root-cause analysis and evidence-based theory.
  - Appraise your obesity-prevention program's current stage of development as it relates to best-practice planning.

Theresa LeGros, MA 
SNAP-Ed Program Evaluator

Lauren McCullough, MPH
Senior Program Coordinator

Laurel Jacobs, DrPH, MPH
SNAP-Ed Lead Evaluator

Continuing Education Information:  1.0 CECH for CHES (7/10/2019)

Register for this course HERE