Public Health Messaging – Focus on Your Audience

Crafting effective messages and focusing on targeted audiences is critical for public health professionals. Join Carolyn Smith Casertano, APR, Fellow PRSA, an award-winning communications professional with over two decades of expertise in strategic planning, message development, media relations and crisis communications to hone your communication strategy and target your specific audience. This webinar will include both a presentation and small breakout sessions.

Learning Objectives:

  • Consider the role of consistent and compelling messaging in strengthening the impact of communications
  • Understand the importance of including a clear call to action in communications
  • Identify targeted audiences for effective messaging
  • Consider the different attributes or expectations that specific audiences might have and how they affect the development of your communication strategy
  • Evaluate message effectiveness

Target Audience: Public Health Professionals and Students

Duration:   1 hour

Disclosures:  The planners, reviewers, and authors have no declared conflicts of interest.

Continuing Education Credits: Not offered

Format:  Webinar