Abby Welter completed an internship with the Arizona Department of Health Services where she assisted with a State-wide Title V Maternal and Child Health Needs assessment.
Sairel Labasan completed her internship with Chuuk Community Health Center, where she reviewed the survey design, results, and implications of the 2018-2019 Chuuk Community Health Center’s Household Survey.
Lucy Braid completed an internship with Columbia University Medical Center where she conducted a qualitative study on reducing sugar-sweetened beverage consumption during the first 1,000 days.
Rachel Gildersleeve completed an internship with Pima County Health Department where she investigated the potential to instigate a community of practice focused on the justice- involved population in Pima County.
Lisa Floran completed an internship with the City of Tucson where she worked on a project exploring health and chronic homelessness.
Ariel Tarango completed an internship with Desert Senita Community Health Center in Ajo, Arizona, where she administered a community health needs survey and compiled the data to generate a community health needs assessment.
Anna Dobbins completed an internship with the Nevada Office of Minority Health and Equity, where she organized a webinar series on COVID-19 response.
Austin Whitted completed an internship with the Minority Genetic Professionals Network where he explored new methods and initiatives to increase member engagement.
Maiya Block completed an internship where she researched seasonal influenza and COVID-19 vaccination attitudes among Pima County residents.
Sage Beard completed an internship with the Nevada Office of Statewide Initiatives where she helped educate policymakers about the need to improve rural Nevada’s public health services capacity.