Brenda Mbaabu completed an internship with the USA National Phenology Network, where she engaged with public health researchers and practitioners serving urban and rural public health agencies to determine their need for phenology data and information.
Karen Kelsch completed an internship with the Newborn Attachment & Wellness Study to test the effectiveness of wearing infants in a baby carrier as an intervention to increase bonding, caregiver sensitivity and emotional attachment to infants, increase infant attachment to a caregiver, and to reduce withdrawal symptoms associated with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome.
Tauni Malmgren partnered with Sonoran Prevention Works to create a sensory-enhanced environment that fosters independent living, self organization, and resiliency through the relationship between a person and their environment.
Developing Curriculum Material for La Vida Buena : Childhood Obesity Program at Mariposa Community Health Center in Nogales AZ
Hibatallah Eltahir completed an internship to develop trauma- and healing-centered approaches to protect the health of vulnerable populations.
Kellan Flanagan completed an internship at the Desert Research Institution where he worked to safeguard the health and well-being of communities vulnerable to extreme heat in the California-Mexico transboundary region.
Rachel Kiser completed an internship with the Nevada Public Health Training Center where she developed a statewide intervention plan to combat antimicrobial resistance.
Winter Tucker completed an internship with the Nanchang School of Public Health where she collected data on sexual education programs in rural China and compared data from programs in the United States.
Kathryn Faull completed an internship with the Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona where she focused on a Community Food Bank-Federally Qualified Health Center Collaboration to increase farmer revenue and produce consumption in southern Arizona.
Erica Aguirre completed an internship with the Arizona Springboard Home for Youth in Crisis Program where she designed, piloted, and evaluated the implementation of a faith-based, age-appropriate physical activity program for adolescent girls.