IPCE Trainings

Barriers to Health in Former Incarcerated Populations

Native Hawaiians have the highest incarceration rate of any ethnic group in the state of Hawai'i. This training will provide an overview of the health barriers faced by formerly incarcerated...

Trauma-Informed Approaches for Supporting Justice-Involved Populations

People who experience incarceration have a higher burden of mental health conditions, substance misuse, infectious diseases, and chronic health conditions compared to the general population. The negative physical, psychological, and...

Building Futures: AI in Healthcare, Tech Equity, and Workforce Deve...

This presentation explores how AI is transforming healthcare by addressing public health challenges, promoting tech equity, and creating new workforce opportunities. Participants will learn how AI tools like predictive and...

Ethical Care for Neurodivergent People

There are two known neurotypes: Neurotypical and Neurodivergent. Systems are created and sustained for neurotypical brains, and society has determined that neurotypical brains are better than their counterparts. This creates...

Strategies for Identifying and Addressing Misinformation

Misinformation has been spreading quickly in recent years and has become a major issue in public health. Health and public health professionals recognize that misinformation can negatively affect the public's...

LGBTQ+ Inclusive Healthcare

LGBTQ+ inclusive healthcare is needed to help decrease existing disparities and advance health equity. Take an in-depth look at LGBTQ+ inclusivity specific to the healthcare setting. Explore ways for members...

Nutrition and Mental Health 2024

There has been a stark rise in depressive and anxiety disorders globally along with the unfolding of the COVID-19 pandemic. There is a high need for mental health programs and...

LGBTQ+ Inclusive Spaces

The LGBTQ+ population faces disproportionate health risks related to marginalization and discrimination, which may be further intensified with a hostile political climate. LGBTQ+ inclusive spaces are needed to help decrease...

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