Vaping 101

This presentation will help attendees orient to the current youth vaping epidemic in Hawai‘i.

Learning Outcomes

  • Compare national, state and local Hawai‘i youth vaping rates.
  • Educate health professionals on the top three reasons why youth use electronic smoking devices (ESDs).
  • Educate the public on the health implications in youth vaping. 
  • Address the youth vaping epidemic with health professionals and community leaders.
  • Discuss potential health impacts of vaping and recent changes in ESD technology that increase the vulnerability of youth to ESD use and nicotine addiction.

Target Audience:  Public Health Professionals

Tier(s) and Competency Domain(s):  Tiers 1 and 2, Analytical/Assessment, Communication, and Community Dimensions of Practice Skills

Duration:  ~ 1.5 hrs.

Continuing Education Information:  This training is approved 1.5 hrs for CHES/MCHES, 1.5 CPEUs for RD/RDN/DTR (8/2022)

Format:  Web-based Training, Self-Study

Webinar Recorded:  August 9, 2019

Author(s) and Presenter(s) Forrest Batz, PharmD, Retired Faculty, Daniel K Inouye College of Pharmacy, University of Hawai’i at Hilo