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Kyah’s EPICourse for Food Service

Course Description:
The Kyah Rayne Foundation (KRF) was launched in August 2019 by Lisa Cohen in honor of her daughter, Kyah Rayne, who died of anaphylactic shock at the age of 21 after mistakenly ingesting a peanut. KRF is dedicated to advancing food allergy awareness and education. We believe that by increasing the availability of epinephrine auto-injectors and educating more people on how to use them, we can save more lives of those with food allergies.

This course is brought to you by the KRF, in collaboration with the University of Arizona College of Public Health and the Western Region Public Health Training Center (WRPHTC). While allergy research includes a broad range of allergens, such as animal and environmental allergens, this interactive online training program will focus primarily on food allergies.

Learning Objectives

  • Define keywords, identify common trigger foods, and recognize symptoms of severe allergic reactions and anaphylaxis.
  • List steps in administering an epinephrine auto-injector (EAI) in an emergency.
  • Identify ways to create safe and clean kitchen environments.
  • Explore common examples of cross-contact in food service establishments.
  • Recognize cross-role responsibilities in food service establishments. 
  • Explain the significance of these statements: 
Step In, Step Up, Save a Life

Target Audience: Food service establishment personnel

Duration:  10-15 minutes

Format:  Web-based Training, Self-Study

Created/Updated: August 10, 2022

Author(s): Kyah Rayne Foundation

Disclosures:  The planners, reviewers, and authors have no declared conflicts of interest

Construyendo líderes comunitarios: una guía de abogacía

"Construyendo líderes comunitarios" está diseñado para que las personas se sientan cómodas abogando por el cambio en varios entornos y para empoderar a los miembros de la comunidad para que realicen cambios saludables en sus comunidades. Esta capacitación es una versión en línea de la Capacitación de líderes comunitarios de Maricopa County Department of Public Health, adaptado por el Western Region Public Health Training Center. 

Objetivos de aprendizaje: 

  • Describir la salud pública y la salud comunitaria. 
  • Definir abogacía. 
  • Enumerar los pasos para abogar por un problema. 
  • Utilizar un análisis FODA para identificar las fortalezas y debilidades dentro de una comunidad. 
  • Practicar en cómo comunicarse de manera efectiva en diferentes situaciones (juntas, comunicarse con las personas adecuadas, tiempo limitado).
  • Identificar los beneficios de narración al abogar un problema.

Audiencia objetiva: Profesionales de la salud pública que trabajan con grupos comunitarios, grupos escolares y otras personas interesadas en la abogacía

Duración: 60 minutos

Información de educación continua: 1.0 Créditos de competencia continua para CHES, 1.0 CPEU para dietistas registrados

Número de proveedor de CHES: 99036; Número de proveedor de CPEU: 21216

Formato: Formación basada en web, Autoaprendizaje

Creado: 9/2022

Autor(es): Maricopa County Department of Public Health y el Western Region Public Health Training Center

Organizado por: Allison Root, DrPH, MS, RDN

Traducido por: Dulce Rodríguez, BS, Western Region Public Health Training Center

Divulgaciones: Los planificadores, revisores y autores no tienen conflictos de intereses declarados

LGBTQ+ and Inclusive Language

The LGBTQ+ population faces disproportionate health risks. Stigma, discrimination, and a general lack of understanding of specific needs of the LGBTQ+ population reduces access to safe healthcare and services. Learn about health disparities faced by the LGBTQ+ population and the health consequences of ongoing stigma and discrimination. Familiarize yourself with current terms and practice using language appropriately to contribute to improving health equity for the LGBTQ+ population.

Learning Objectives

  • Demonstrate appropriate use of language related to LGBTQ+ identities
  • Summarize health risks disproportionately impacting LGBTQ+ communities
  • Explain the effects of stigma and discrimination on the health of LGBTQ+ communities

Target Audience: Public health and healthcare workforce

Duration:  60 minutes

Continuing Education Information: 1.0 Category 1 CHES Credit, 1.0 Continuing Competency Credit

CHES Provider number:  99036

Format:  Web-based Training, Self-Study

Created/Updated: 8/2022

Author: Allison Root, DrPH, MCHES, RDN

Subject Matter Expert: Uma Nair, PhD

Narration by: Allison Root, DrPH, MCHES, RDN

Disclosures:  The planners, reviewers, and authors have no declared conflicts of interest.

Capacitación de Violencia Sexual para Trabajadores Comunitarios de Salud/Promotoras

Este curso presenta conocimientos básicos y habilidades útiles para ayudar y responder a las víctimas de violencia sexual.  El curso consta de seis módulos a su propio ritmo, que incluyen actividades de reflexión, videos, preguntas de autocomprobación y un escenario de juego de roles. Se incluye una colección de recursos integrales para su uso posterior.

Objetivos de aprendizaje: 

  • Identificar la violencia sexual y definir los tipos de violencia sexual.
  • Responder adecuadamente a las víctimas de violencia sexual.
  • Relacione su papel con el papel de otros socios de la comunidad en la respuesta y el apoyo a las víctimas de violencia sexual.
  • Reconocer los signos de agotamiento y trauma vicario y las formas de sobrellevarlo.

Audiencia objetiva: Trabajadores de salud comunitarios, enfermeras registradas, dietistas registrados y otros profesionales de la salud pública

Duración: aproximadamente 2 horas

Información de educación continua: 2.0 Continuing Competency Credits for CHES, 2.0 CPEUs for Registered Dietitians

Número de proveedor de CHES:  99036; Número de proveedor de CPEU21216

Formato: Capacitación basada en la web, auto-aprendizaje

Creado/Actualizado: Nov. 2021

Autores: Arizona Rural Women's Health Network, Arizona Coalition to End Sexual and Domestic Violence, Western Region Public Health Training Center

Organizado por: Allison Root, DrPH, MS, RDN, Western Region Public Health Training Center

Narrado por: Dulce Rodriguez, BS, Western Region Public Health Training Center

Divulgaciones: Los planificadores, revisores y autores no tienen conflictos de intereses declarados.

Addressing Bias with Inclusive Communication

Using inclusive language is one way to address bias in order to create a safe, positive environment for employees and clientele. A positive environment will engage both staff and the public, increasing productivity and satisfaction. Public health and health professionals will be challenged to improve their understanding of implicit bias and inclusive language to implement a more equitable workplace in this course.

Learning Objectives

  • Define, recognize, and review examples of implicit bias;
  • Identify microaggressions and microaffirmations and examine microaggressions in the workplace;
  • Discuss people-first language and inclusive language and practice inclusive language for public health professionals.

Target Audience: Public health workforce, health department staff, clinicians

Duration: 30 minutes

Continuing Education Information:  0.5 Category 1 CHES Credits, 0.5 Continuing Competency Credits

CHES Provider number:  99036

Format:  Web-based Training, Self-Study 

Created/Updated: July 2022

Author: Toncé Jackson, EdD, RDN

Arranged by:  Caitlin Meyer Krause, MPH

Disclosures:  The planners, reviewers, and authors have no declared conflicts of interest 

Advancing Racial Equity in the Substance Use Field

This two-part pre-recorded racial equity training series focused on the substance use field includes:

  • The Opioid Response Network: Developing a Shared Language For Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (66 minutes)
  • Systemic Racism and Substance Use Disorder: Anti-Racist Strategies (72 minutes)

Health Equity

Disparities in health are prevalent and persistent across the United States. Poverty, discrimination, access to jobs and other resources present obstacles to health and wellbeing for many people. This training is the first module in a series that introduces the concept of health equity and how to apply it in examining and addressing public health issues.

Learning Objectives

  • Define health equity 
  • Explore life expectancy and public health
  • Identify ways to use a health equity lens in public health and clinical work
  • Discuss frameworks for improving health equity

Target Audience: Public health workforce, health department staff, clinicians

Duration:  30 minutes

Continuing Education Information: 0.5 Category 1 CHES Credits, 0.5 Continuing Competency Credits

CHES Provider number:  99036

Format:  Web-based Training, Self-Study

Created/Updated: April 2022

Author(s): Toncé Jackson, EdD, RDN

Arranged by: Caitlin Meyer Krause, MPH

Disclosures:  The planners, reviewers, and authors have no declared conflicts of interest

Building Trust in Public Health: Marketing, Media, and Community-Based Strategies

Trust is critical in accomplishing public health goals. You may have heard people say, “If public health does its job right, no one ever really hears about us.” This training reframes that statement to:"if public health does its job right, the community has trust in decisions made to improve or protect the health of the community." As public health professionals, we need to consider how we can establish, build, or maintain trust. Through this training learn ways to promote trust in public health with branding strategies, strategic communication with the media, and through community engagement. 

Learning Objectives:

By the end of this training, learners will be able to:

  • Describe ways a branding strategy is linked to developing public trust.
  • Summarize tips to prepare for a media interview.
  • Recommend approaches for building community engagement.

Target Audience: Public Health Professionals

Duration:  ~45 minutes

Continuing Education Information: 0.75 Category 1 CHES Credits, 0.75 Continuing Competency Credits

CHES Provider number:  99036

Format:  Web-based Training, Self-Study

Created/Updated:  4/2022; updated 3/2024

Author(s): Muriel DeLa Vergne-Brown, RN, BSc, MPH and Allison Root, DrPH, MS, RDN

Arranged by: Allison Root, DrPH, MS, RDN

Disclosures:  The planners, reviewers, and authors have no declared conflicts of interest

Using Social Media for Health Communication

Social media is an ever-growing outlet that allows people to share whatever they would like with others around the world. Organizations are easily able to spread information about any topic to a very wide audience using social media. This can make sharing health resources and information with your community much more simple, reaching more people, and ideally making a greater impact. This training will teach you 6 rules of social media for creating effective posts. You will have the opportunity to practice identifying components of well-executed posts, learn positive ways to interact with your virtual community, and optionally create and share your own social media post.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Explain the benefits of using social media to promote initiatives within your organization.
  • List the 6 rules of posting on social media.
  • Determine the appropriate action(s) to take when interacting with your virtual community.
  • Identify components of social media posts that are more likely to be effective for encouraging people to act.
  • Construct your own social media post.  

Duration:  ~2 hours

Continuing Education Information: 2.0 Category 1 CHES credits, 2.0 Continuing Competency Credits

CHES Provider number:  99036

Format:  Web-based Training, Self-Study

Created/Updated: 5/2022

Author(s): Silvia Valenzuela and Sabrina Stinnett University of Arizona Dietetic Interns, and Allison Root, DrPH, RDN, Instructional Specialist WRPHTC

Narration by: Silvia Valenzuela

Disclosures:  The planners, reviewers, and authors have no declared conflicts of interest

Supporting Youth Mental Health

Nationally, the alarm has been raised about increases in mental health issues among youth and
there is a growing awareness of youth needs and vulnerability. In this session, the presenters will
give you an overview of the state of youth mental health in Hawai`i, share possible solutions and
available resources available both locally and nationally. Open to all interested in attending

Learning Objectives

  • Participants will be able to identify some of the impacts COVID-19 has had on youth’s mental health
  • Participants will learn risk factors and protect factors related to mental health
  • Participants will learn strategies that are useful for supporting youth’s mental health
  • Participants will be able to identify resources (crisis and non-crisis) that are available for youth

Target Audience: Public health professionals working with youth

Duration:  1.5 hours

Continuing Education Information: 1.5 Category 1 Credits for CHES

CHES Provider number:  99036

Format:  Recorded webinar

Recorded: 5/13/2022

Presenter: Amanda Martinez, MPH

Disclosures:  The planners, reviewers, and authors have no declared conflicts of interest

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