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Episode 23: One Health Initiatives

Opportunities for collaborative efforts among animal welfare and human service providers are discussed including for healthcare and veterinary care, intersecting risks to people and animals in situations of intimate partner violence, and opportunities for housing initiatives. Guests: Steve Farley, Humane Society of Southern Arizona; Crystal Giesbrecht, Provincial Association of Transition Houses and Services of Saskatchewan (PATHS)

Learning Objectives

  • Define OneHealth.
  • Describe opportunities for collaboration among animal welfare and human service providers.
  • Explain opportunities to improve services for people experiencing intimate partner violence through animal welfare/animal safekeeping support.

Target Audience: Public Health Professionals, Human and Animal Service Providers

Duration:  35 minutes

Continuing Education Information: 0.5 Category 1 Credits for CHES (no continuing competency credits)

CHES Provider number:  99036

Format:  Podcast, Self-Study

Recorded: 2/17/2023

Hosted by:  Allison Root, DrPH, MS, RDN, MCHES®

Guest Bios:

Steve Farley is a proven leader who served Tucson for twelve years at the Arizona State Legislator and as the longtime owner of Stephen Farley Design.  During his time at the Capital, Steve was named Humane Legislator of the Year several times, including for his successful effort to ban the cruelty of greyhound racing in Arizona.  Steve also spent three years as a volunteer animal behaviorist at the San Francisco SPCA where he worked gentling hard-case shelter dogs to make them more adoptable and worked their national behavior hotline to help foster parents solve their animals’ behavior problems.

Crystal Giesbrecht is the Director of Research and Communications at the Provincial Association of Transition Houses and Services of Saskatchewan (PATHS), the member association for domestic violence shelters and counselling centres. She is a Ph.D. Candidate in the Department of Justice Studies at the University of Regina and a member of the Canadian Femicide Observatory for Justice and Accountability’s (CFOJA) Expert Advisory Panel. Crystal’s work at PATHS includes educating professionals and the public on best practices for supporting survivors of intimate partner violence and conducting research relating to intimate partner violence. She has conducted research in Saskatchewan on the connection between intimate partner violence, animal maltreatment, and barriers to safety for survivors who care for animals.

Disclosures:  The planners, reviewers, and authors have no declared conflicts of interest.

Episode 22: Art and Public Health

The arts have long been used to communicate messages, raise awareness, and bring about change. Hear more about collaborative projects connecting art to health, resiliency, and advocacy. Guests: Adriane AckermanPima County Health Department; Anne Bluethenthal, Founder, Lead Artist, ABD/Skywatchers; Rabbi Nancy Epstein, MPH, MAHL, Drexel University; Sadie Shaw, The Arts Foundation for Tucson and Southern Arizona.

Learning Objectives:

  • Discuss ways that art may be incorporated into health promotion, advocacy, and social justice.
  • Examine ways professional artists, health professionals, and the community may collaborate for improving population health and health equity.
  • Describe evaluation frameworks for art-based initiatives.

Target Audience: Public Health Professionals, Community Services Providers

Duration:  40 minutes

Continuing Education Information: 0.75 Category 1 Credits for CHES (no continuing competency credits)

CHES Provider number:  99036

Format:  Podcast, Self-Study

Recorded: 1/2023


  • Sadie Shaw. The Arts Foundation for Tucson and Southern Arizona.
  • Rabbi Nancy Epstein, MPH, MAHL. Clinical Professor in Community Health and Prevention, Dornsife School of Public Health at Drexel University.  Director of the school's Arts in Public Health program.
  • Anne Bluethenthal. Founder, Lead Artist, ABD /Skywatchers.
  • Adriane Ackerman. Program Director for Advancing Health Literacy, Pima County Health Department.

Hosted by:  Allison Root, DrPH, MS, RDN, MCHES®

Guest Bios:

Adriane Ackerman (she/her/ella) is the Program Director for the Pima County Health Department’s Advancing Health Literacy to Enhance Equitable Community Response to COVID-19 program. She also leads the Cultural Health/SaludArte initiative and the emerging Pima County Network for Equity and Resilience (PCNER), both of which aim to increase health literacy and equity through innovative models, by elevating and centering the leadership of historically excluded communities. Adriane has over 20 years of experience managing, administrating, facilitating and convening partnerships within the public sector at the local, regional and national scale. Her proudest moments have come from her decades’ of work as a grassroots community organizer, building sustainable and disruptive coalitions across ideologies, platforms and issues. Adriane holds dual Bachelor’s degrees in Political Science and Urban & Public Affairs and seeks to bring the depth of her lived experience to her work in Pima County.

Anne Bluethenthal is the Founder/Artistic Director of ABD Productions, a performing arts company committed to inspiring social change through the arts. Her choreographic language troubles the paradigm of western dance in service of choreographies that face difficult issues of the day with eloquence and passion. Her work grows from the belief that relationship is the first site of social change. After building a repertoire of original works over 3 decades, Bluethenthal initiated the Skywatchers program, rooted in SF’s Tenderloin District. A multi-ethnic mixed-ability, community-based performing arts ensemble of Bay Area artists and Tenderloin neighbors committed to leveraging arts for justice and equity, Skywatchers’ work emerges from the talents, wisdom, stories, and urgent concerns that animate ensemble members’ lives. Bluethenthal’s community engaged practice also produced ANDARES, a durational collaboration with survivors of the Salvadoran civil war, contributing to the historical memory movement of that country. Among the honors Bluethenthal has received are the Guggenheim Fellowship, Artist Legacy Award from the SF Arts Commission, Award of Recognition from El Teatro Nacional de San Salvador, YBCA 100, SF Chronicle’s Best of 2001, SF Weekly’s Black Box, the SF Bay Guardian’s Goldie Award for Achievement in Dance, and the Rhinette Award for Choreography from Theatre Rhinoceros.

Rabbi Nancy E. Epstein, clinical professor in the Department of Community Health and Prevention, is an award-winning teacher and has served on the Drexel faculty since 2000. She received Drexel University’s Barbara G. Hornum Award for Teaching Excellence and Pedagogical Innovation in 2017 and is a four-time winner of the Dornsife School of Public Health’s Golden Apple Teaching Excellence Award. Professor Epstein’s current work is focused on arts and public health, and she led the initiative to create the Arts in Public Health minor at the Dornsife School of Public Health. She is a trained public policy mediator and studied systems-centered training (SCT) with Yvonne Agazarian. In 2006, Professor Epstein was ordained a rabbi by the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College.

Sadie Shaw was born and raised in Tucson, Arizona, and earned her BFA in Art & Visual Culture Education from the University of Arizona in 2019. Sadie is an artist, art educator, oral historian, community organizer and Governing Board Member of the Tucson Unified School District. Her studio practice, community advocacy and political activism have merged into a sociopolitical platform that challenges institutional racism, underlying cultural inequities and the systems and policies that perpetuate these conditions. Her art practice of digital, print and media-based installations echo her drive for justice, equity, diversity and inclusion. She applies this same energy while advocating for the arts, neighborhoods, and the people of Tucson.

Disclosures:  The planners, reviewers, and authors have no declared conflicts of interest.

Public Health Youth Champions

Welcome to the Public Health Youth Champions Training Course Site!

The Public Health Youth Champions is a program through the University of Arizona Center for Rural Health ADHS-CDC COVID-19 Initiative. The purpose of this program is to not only educate and expose our youth to the world of public health, but to also empower them to advocate for change. There is a generation of youth that has been disproportionately affected by adverse public health issues in the past decade. From climate change, to gun violence, to COVID-19, we need to prepare our next generation of public health professionals to spread awareness on these issues that they are facing on the frontline.

Professional Ethics, Personal Values, and Decision Making

This training was created for people working in any discipline wanting to learn more about ethics.  There is another version of this training designed for health professionals with public health examples and case-scenarios: Public Health Ethics.

Ethical dilemmas are persistent in all disciplines. Decision making processes can be very complex, often with conflicts and competing values and interests. In this training, examine ethics and ethical based approaches to decision making. Learn about using ethical frameworks to make decisions confidently and justify decisions with transparency. Explore ways to address ethical challenges respectfully in ways that build trust with all involved.

Learning Objectives:

  • Review foundations and theories of moral philosophy and applied ethics.
  • Define ethics.
  • Examine what is meant by professional ethics (and personal values).
  • Discuss guiding principles of ethical decision making.

Target Audience: Non-public health professionals

Duration:  ~60 minutes

Continuing Education Information: This course is not pre-approved for continuing education credits.  If interested in continuing education credits, please take the version of this training designed for health professionals.

Format:  Web-based Training, Self-Study

Created/Updated: 1/2023

Arranged by: Allison Root, DrPH, MCHES, RDN

Subject Matter Expert:  Linda Axtell-Thompson, DBE, MBA

Narration by: Allison Root, DrPH, MCHES, RDN

Disclosures:  The planners, reviewers, and authors have no declared conflicts of interest.

Community Connections: The Dangerous Combination of Menthol and Vaping

New research by a team of University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa experts shows that menthol in e-cigarettes can be harmful to respiratory health. The findings come as e-cigarette use is on the rise among Hawaiʻi’s youth, with about one third of all high schoolers being regular users. This session will explore the increasing research evidence, especially longterm toxicological data that emerged only in recent years, has suggested that e-cigarettes are an immediate threat to lung health.

Learning Objectives

  • Identify biological risks associated with e-cigarette use and menthol.
  • Define key data used to determine risk associated with e-cigarette use.
  • Identify key public health program and policy solutions to reduce e-cigarette usage.

Target Audience: Substance use counselors, social workers, health educators, registered dietitians and other health professionals.

Duration:  ~2 hours

Continuing Education Information: 2.0 Category 1 Credits for CHES; 2.0 CPEUs for Registered Dietitians, 

CHES Provider number:  99036; CPEU Provider number: 21216

Format:  Recorded Webinar

Created/Updated:  Presented live 1/10/2023

Keynote Speaker:  Yi Zuo, PhD, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Adjunct Prof. of Pediatrics, JABSOM University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa

Panel Discussion:  Valerie Saiki, Kauaʻi CTFH Community Coordinator, Hawaiʻi Public Health Institute;Sun Choi, Health Promotions Manager at American Lung Association - Hawai'i Coalition for Tobacco Free-Hawaii Youth Council Member; Joshua Ching, Advocate Coalition for a Tobacco-Free Hawaii, Hawaii Public Health Institute

Disclosures:  The planners, reviewers, and authors have no declared conflicts of interest.

Episode 21: Active Transportation

Dr. Joey Iuliano from the University of Arizona and Jeffery Rosenhall from the California Department of Public Health discuss the built environment, bike sharing, and active transportation. 

Learning Objectives

  • Discuss factors that influence people’s choice for active transportation.
  • Explain roles health departments can take to support the success of bike-sharing systems and other active transportation initiatives.
  • Recognize opportunities to develop, support, or improve active transportation systems within your work.

Target Audience: Public health professionals

Duration:  33 minutes

Continuing Education Information: 0.5 Category 1 Credits for CHES (no continuing competency credits)

CHES Provider number:  99036

Format:  Podcast, Self-Study

Recorded: 12/2022

Guest Bios:

Joey Iuliano is a graduate of the University of Arizona College of Architecture, Planning, and Landscape Architecture’s master’s degree program and has Ph.D. in Geography from the University of Arizona. Before the University of Arizona, Joey attended Purdue University and received a master's in Health and Kinesiology and a bachelor's in Organizational Leadership and Supervision. Joey's research interests are how the built environment influences people's transportation choices, specifically when it comes to active transportation, and how this information can be used for better planning. In his spare time, Joey is a competitive cyclist and races across the Southwest for the UA Cycling Team.

Jeffery Rosenhall has been with the CA Department of Public Health since 2004, starting in the Injury and Violence Prevention Branch focusing on injury prevention, violence prevention, active transportation, and creating healthy built environments for all. Jeffery’s current role as a Section Chief includes supervising and leading staff from the healthy aging, vehicle occupant safety, active transportation, and school-health programs within injury prevention. Helping launch the CA State Employee BikeShare program has been one of the most rewarding efforts of his public health career thus far. Jeffery has a master’s degree in Psychology and has studied land use and environmental planning. He helped found the Sacramento Bicycle Kitchen, is a League Certified Instructor and has served on committees and boards in Sacramento’s bicycle advocacy and planning community.

Hosted by:  Allison Root, DrPH, MS, RDN, MCHES®

Disclosures:  The planners, reviewers, and authors have no declared conflicts of interest.

Palliative Care and Hospice: Supporting End of Life Care

What is Palliative Care? Palliative Care is specialized medical care that focuses on providing patients with relief from the symptoms and stress of a serious illness. The goal is to improve quality of life for both the patient and their loved ones. Palliative Care is appropriate at any age and at any stage in a serious illness, along with curative treatment. Learn more about how Palliative Care can support individuals with serious illness and where Palliative Care is available in Hawaii. Join Jeannette Koijane MPH and Executive Director of Kökua Mau and Hope Young, Advance Care Planning Coordinator of Kökua Mau as we explore the benefits of Palliative Care.

Learning Objectives

  • Participants will be able to define Palliative Care.
  • Participants will understand who may benefit from Palliative Care.
  • Participants will identify how to access Palliative Care and provide resources and materials to providers, patients, and loved ones.

Target Audience: social workers, health educators, dietitians, and other public health professionals

Duration:  90 minutes

Continuing Education Information: 1.5 Credits for CHES

CHES Provider number:  99036

Recorded Webinar: 11/4/2022

Disclosures:  The planners, reviewers, and authors have no declared conflicts of interest.

Kyah’s EPICourse para el Servicio de Alimentos

Descripción del curso: 

La Kyah Rayne Foundation (KRF) fue lanzada en agosto de 2019 por Lisa Cohen en honor a su hija, Kyah Rayne, quien murió de un shock anafiláctico a la edad de 21 años después de ingerir un maní por error. KRF se dedica a promover la concienciación y la concienciación y la educación sobre alergias alimentarias. Creemos que al aumentar la disponibilidad de autoinyectores de epinefrina y educar a más personas sobre cómo usarlos, podemos salvar más vidas de personas con alergias alimentarias.

Este curso es presentado por KRF, en colaboración con la Universidad e Arizona y el Centro de Capacitación en Salud Pública de la Región Occidental (WRPHTC). Si bien la investigación sobre alergias incluye una amplia gama de alérgenos, como alérgenos animales y ambientales, este programa interactivo de capacitación en línea se centrará principalmente en las alergias alimentarias.

Objetivos de aprendizaje: 

Defina palabras clave, identifique alimentos desencadenantes comunes y reconozca los síntomas de reacciones alérgicas graves y anafilaxia.
Enumere los pasos para administrar un autoinyector de epinefrina (EAI) en una emergencia.
Identificar formas de crear ambientes de cocina seguros y limpios.
Explore ejemplos comunes de contacto cruzado en establecimientos de servicio de alimentos.
Reconocer las responsabilidades de roles cruzados en los establecimientos de servicio de alimentos.
Explique el significado de estas declaraciones:

Ingrese, intensifique, salve una vida

Audiencia objetiva: Personal de establecimientos de servicio de alimentos.

Duración: 10-15 minutos

Información de educación continua: 

Número de proveedor de CHES: ; Número de proveedor de CPEU: 

Formato: Formación basada en web, Autoaprendizaje

Creado: Octubre 2022

Autor(es): Kyah Rayne Foundation

Divulgaciones: Los planificadores, revisores y autores no tienen conflictos de intereses declarados

Social Determinants of Health

Being healthy is about more than seeing a doctor or personal health behaviors. Access to clinical care actually accounts for only 10-20% of a person's overall health. The rest is shaped by external conditions - where they live and work, how much money they make, or their position in the community. Explore the social determinants of health and their impact on health outcomes in this short course. 

Learning Objectives

  • Define the social determinants of health;
  • Give examples of ways social determinants of health contribute to disparities in health outcomes;
  • Identify strategies to improve systems and policies that affect social determinants of health. 

Target Audience: Public health professionals, health department staff, clinicians

Duration:  60 minutes

Continuing Education Information: 1.0 Category 1 CHES Credits, 1.0 Continuing Competency Credits

CHES Provider number:  99036

Format:  Web-based Training, Self-Study

Created/Updated: October 2022

Authors: Abigail Stoica, MPH and Caitlin Meyer Krause, MPH

Narration by: Erich Healy

Disclosures:  The planners, reviewers, and authors have no declared conflicts of interest.

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