Archives: <span>Courses</span>

7. Calculating Quality Adjusted Life Years (QALYs)

This course is also part of a blended learning series entitled "Return on Investment Series". If you are interested in participating in the blended learning series, you can find it by searching for "Return on Investment Series" offered by the Western Region Public Health Training Center. 

Calculating Quality-Adjusted Years Course Topics:

  • Summation Method
  • Life Table Method
  • Markov Model


Learning Objectives:

  • This course will provide learners with the tools to effectively train users on calculating return of investment topics specific to calculating quality-adjusted years.


Target Audience:  Environmental Health Professionals, Policy/ Planner, Researchers/ Analysts, General Public Health Staff, Information Systems Professionals


Duration:  ~ 50 minutes


Continuing Education Information:  N/A


Format: Web-based Training, Self-Study


Created/Updated:  January 25, 2015


Author:  Patrick M. Bernet, PhD

6. Health-Related Quality of Life Measures

This course is also part of a blended learning series entitled "Return on Investment Series". If you are interested in participating in the blended learning series, you can find it by searching for "Return on Investment Series" offered by the Western Region Public Health Training Center. 

Health-Related Quality Of Life Measures Course Topics:

  • HRQL Scores
  • EuroQol Instrument
  • Deriving Preferences


Learning Objectives:

  • This course will provide learners with the tools to effectively train users on calculating return of investment topics specific to health-related quality of life measures.


Target Audience:  Environmental Health Professionals, Policy/ Planner, Researchers/ Analysts, General Public Health Staff, Information Systems Professionals


Duration:  ~ 50 minutes


Continuing Education Information:  N/A


Format: Web-based Training, Self-Study


Created/Updated:  January 25, 2015


Author:  Patrick M. Bernet, PhD

5. Calculating Life Expectancy

This course is also part of a blended learning series entitled "Return on Investment Series". If you are interested in participating in the blended learning series, you can find it by searching for "Return on Investment Series" offered by the Western Region Public Health Training Center. 


Introduction To Cost Effectiveness Course Topics:

  • Hand-Calculating Years Gained
  • Calculating Life Years Lost Using Markov Model
  • Markov Model Graph Introduction


Learning Objectives:

  • This course will provide learners with the tools to effectively train users on calculating return of investment topics specific to calculating life expectancy.


Target Audience:  Environmental Health Professionals, Policy/ Planner, Researchers/ Analysts, General Public Health Staff, Information Systems Professionals


Duration:  ~ 50 minutes


Continuing Education Information:  N/A


Format: Web-based Training, Self-Study


Created/Updated:  January 25, 2015


Author:  Patrick M. Bernet, PhD

4. Developing A Research Project

This course is also part of a blended learning series entitled "Return on Investment Series". If you are interested in participating in the blended learning series, you can find it by searching for "Return on Investment Series" offered by the Western Region Public Health Training Center. 


Introduction To Developing A Research Project Course Topics:

  • Developing A Research Question
  • Designing Your Analysis


Learning Objectives:

  • This course will provide learners with the tools to effectively train users on calculating return of investment topics specific to developing a research project.


Target Audience:  Environmental Health Professionals, Policy/ Planner, Researchers/ Analysts, General Public Health Staff, Information Systems Professionals


Duration:  ~ 50 minutes


Continuing Education Information:  N/A


Format: Web-based Training, Self-Study


Created/Updated:  January 25, 2015


Author:  Patrick M. Bernet, PhD

3. Principles of Cost-Effectiveness Analysis

Principles of Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Course Topics:

  • Perspective of Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
  • Costs
  • Quality
  • Interpreting the Cost-Effectiveness Ratio
  • Types of Economic Analysis


Learning Objectives:

  • This course will provide learners with the tools to effectively train users on calculating return of investment topics specific to principles of cost-effectiveness.


Target Audience:  Environmental Health Professionals, Policy/ Planner, Researchers/ Analysts, General Public Health Staff, Information Systems Professionals


Tier(s) and Competency Domain(s):  Tier Two –Financial Planning and Management Skills; Tier Three – Financial Planning and Management Skills.


Duration:  ~ 50 minutes


Continuing Education Information:  N/A


Format: Web-based Training, Self-Study


Created/Updated:  January 25, 2015


Author:  Patrick M. Bernet, PhD

2. Working With Costs

Introduction To Cost Effectiveness Course Topics:

  • Computing Cost
  • Micro Costing vs. Gross Costing
  • Types of Cost
  • Adjusting Currency
  • Finding Cost Data


Learning Objectives:

  • This course will provide learners with the tools to effectively train users on calculating return of investment topics specific to working with costs.


Target Audience:  Environmental Health Professionals, Policy/ Planner, Researchers/ Analysts, General Public Health Staff, Information Systems Professionals


Tier(s) and Competency Domain(s):  Tier Two –Financial Planning and Management Skills; Tier Three – Financial Planning and Management Skills.


Duration:  ~ 50 minutes


Continuing Education Information:  N/A


Format: Web-based Training, Self-Study


Created/Updated:  January 25, 2015


Author:  Patrick M. Bernet, PhD

1. Introduction to Cost Effectiveness

This course is also part of a blended learning series entitled "Return on Investment Series". If you are interested in participating in the blended learning series, you can find it by searching for "Return on Investment Series" offered by the Western Region Public Health Training Center. 

Introduction To Cost Effectiveness Course Topics:

  • Why is Cost Effectiveness Useful?
  • The Goal of Cost Effectiveness
  • Cost Effectiveness Ratio
  • Elements of Cost Effectiveness Analysis
  • Cost Effectiveness Terminology
  • Case Reference Analysis
  • Cost Effectiveness & Policy


Learning Objectives:

  • This course will provide learners with the tools to effectively train users on calculating return of investment topics specific to cost effectiveness.


Target Audience:  Environmental Health Professionals, Policy/ Planner, Researchers/ Analysts, General Public Health Staff, Information Systems Professionals


Tier(s) and Competency Domain(s):  Tier Two –Financial Planning and Management Skills; Tier Three – Financial Planning and Management Skills.


Duration:  ~ 50 minutes


Continuing Education Information:  N/A


Format: Web-based Training, Self-Study


Created/Updated:  January 25, 2015


Author:  Patrick M. Bernet, PhD

Obesity in Hmong and Other Southeast Asian Communities

Familiarize yourself with factors that increase risk of obesity in Hmong and other Southeast Asian communities in the United States in this short course.

Learning Objectives:
  • Describe the consequences and seriousness of obesity
  • Explain cultural differences of the Hmong and other Southeast Asian populations compared to non-Hispanic White Americans
  • Address how acculturation and cultural differences cause barriers in healthy eating habits and behaviors, as well as increase risk of obesity
  • Explain the relationship between Southeast Asian history and obesity 
  • Discuss the inadequacy in research, data, and programs to better obesity prevention in Hmong and other Southeast Asian populations

Target Audience: Community Health Workers

Tier(s) and Competency Domain(s): Tier I - Cultural Competency Skills

Duration: 30 minutes

Format: web based/self study

Created/updated: 12/18/2017

Author: Too Bee Thao

Quality Improvement Series

This quality improvement series focuses on different quality improvement topics and uses short instructional videos to illustrate strategies organizations can use as quality improvement measures. Each video is a stand-alone topic that blends with the other topics as an instructional series.


Topics within the series include:

  • Affinity Diagrams,
  • Brain Writing,
  • Fishbone Diagrams,
  • Histograms,
  • Pareto Chart,
  • Workplace Refocus,
  • Radar Charts,
  • Scatter Diagrams,
  • Force Field Analysis,
  • Prioritization Matrices,
  • Run Chart.


Learning Objectives:

  • Identify various tools that may be used to compare data within your organization.
  • Differentiate between various tools for identifying problems, organizing ideas, and presenting data that can be used in program planning.
  • Describe ways in which you can prevent fatigue in the workplace.


Target Audience:  Educators/ Trainers, Policy/ Planner, Public Information/ Media Specialists


Duration:  ~ 1 hour


Continuing Education Information:  1.5 CECH for CHES

CHES Provider number:  99036

Disclosures:  The planners, reviewers, and authors have no declared conflicts of interest

Format: Web-based Training, Self-Study


Created/Updated: 2/1/2016


Author/ Presenter:  Ray Andrade

Toward Universal Design Series

Toward Universal Design is a 3-part series starting with a presentation given by Dr. Amanda Kraus, followed by an archived version of a live question and answer session, and finishing with a panel discussion with people discussing their experience living with a disability. Universal design refers to an over-arching set of ideals to create buildings, environments, products and activities that are Universally accessible to all members of society. While this is a hefty goal, this module will help individuals to understand its importance from a disability standpoint.

Part 1: Increasing Access and Inclusion in Events, Processes, and Experiences through Intentional Planning.

Part 2: "Question and Answer Session"

Part 3: “Disability Perspectives on the Impact of Design” (60 min.)


Learning Objectives:

Participants will:

  • Develop a practical understanding of Universal Design (UD) concepts.
  • Identify barriers to access and inclusion in physical, technology and curricular environments.
  • Describe the positive and negative impacts of design in personal and professional experiences.
  • Use first-hand narrative to explore the impact of design in the disability experience.


Target Audience:  General Public Health Staff


Duration:  ~ 2 hours


Continuing Education Information:  2.0 CECH for CHES


Format: Web-based Training, Self-Study


Created/Updated: 2012


Presenter:  Dr. Amanda Kraus

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