Archives: <span>Courses</span>

Collective Leadership – A Sense of Place Grounded in Hawai’i

Leadership development is active in Hawai'i through the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation grant called Culture of Health.  Hawai'i Public Health Nurses at DOH Nursing Branch have been preparing nurses and along with an interprofessional team for leadership roles in management, policy, and practice to create healthier places to live, learn, work and plan.  Culture of Health project is guiding people to honor their own "sense of self" with self-health care and utilizing best practices of wellbeing through a sense of place and integrated culture of community health.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Review progress with Culture of Health project implemented throughout Hawaii
  • Discuss evidence-based leadership initiative and its aspects
  • Explore the impact and desired outcomes for the collective leadership partnerships

Target Audience: Allied Healthcare Professionals, Healthcare Professionals, Nurses, Policy/ Planner

Duration: ~ 1.5 hours

Continuing Education Information: 1.5 CHES

Format: Recorded Webinar

Original Webinar Recorded: May 18, 2018

Author(s) and Presenter(s): Joan Takamori, RN, BS, MS and Gloria Fernandez, DNP, MSN, PHN

Motivation and Health Behavior Change

Service providers seek to understand what motivates clients to change and improve their health.  Approaches that use evidence-based practices have been developed, tested, and known to work to motivate clients for positive health behavior change. I Ola Lāhui organization utilizes integrated behavioral health approaches by applying culturally-minded practices to better deal with complex mental health and chronic diseases.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Use basic motivation strategies with diverse clients
  • Assist individuals in setting self management goals for health behavior change
  • Apply strategies for working with challenging individuals

Target Audience: Healthcare Professionals, Others

Duration: ~ 1.5 hours

Continuing Education Information: 1.5 CHES

This educational activity is jointly provided by the Western Region Public Health Training Center and the University of Arizona Continuing Nursing Education.

University of Arizona Continuing Professional Education is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by the Continuing Nursing Education Group, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.


Format: Web-based, Self Study

Original Webinar Recorded: April 20, 2018

Author(s) and Presenter(s): Aukahi Austin Seabury, PhD

Recovery Approaches and Improving Attitudes for Successful Living

Recovery Approaches for anyone includes a range of interventions, strategies, treatments, and individual behavior changes.  The strengths approach helps many recovering individuals focus on improving their emotional wellbeing and attitudes about how they live their lives.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Examine various types of recovery approaches for different situations.
  • Discuss factors to improve emotional wellbeing and attitudes.
  • Examine success stories from DOH's Case Management and Program Support Services.

Target Audience: Healthcare Professionals, Mental Health Professionals, Public Health,

Duration: ~ 1.5 hours

Continuing Education Information: 1.5 CECH for CHES

Format: Web-based, Self Study

Original Webinar Recorded: March 16, 2018

Author(s) and Presenter(s): Kathleen Rhoads Merriam, LSW

Best Practices and Success Stories: Native Hawaiian Updates about E Ola Mau Assessment

Papa Ola Lokahi have been tasked with the re-assessment of outcomes from the E Ola Mau a Mau Assessment.  Learn about the initiatives that Papa Ola Lokahi is undertaking to improve the health and wellbeing of Native Hawaiian people and communities.  This includes success stories from the Native Hawaiian Health Care Improvement Act.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Review the updates of the E Ola Mau a Mau Assessment report.
  • Summarize best practices and recommendations that have positively influenced Native Hawaiians.
  • Share success stories from native Hawaiian Health Care Improvement Act including Resource Mapping Project

Target Audience: Healthcare Professionals, Public Health

Duration: ~ 1.5 hours

Continuing Education Information: 1.5 CHES

CHES Provider number:  99036

Disclosures:  The planners, reviewers, and authors have no declared conflicts of interest

Format: Web-based, Self Study

Original Webinar Recorded: February 16, 2018

Author(s) and Presenter(s): Sheri Daniels, EdD, CSAC

Blue Zones Approaches – Lessons Learned From the World’s Longest Living and Active People

Research from extraordinary long-lived communities--Blue Zones-- around the globe highlight the lifestyle, diet, outlook, and stress-coping practices that will add years to your life and life to your years.  A long healthy life is no accident.  It begins with good genes, but it also depends on good habits.  If you adopt the right lifestyle, experts say, chances are you may live up to a decade longer with a good quality lifestyle.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Discuss the Blue Zones regions in the world and the findings of for their longevity.
  • Summarize nine best practices that positively impact successful aging, active lifestyle and emotional wellbeing.
  • Share success stories from Blue Zones evidence-based research on diet, happiness, and active living.

Target Audience: Public Health

Duration: ~ 1.5 hours

Continuing Education Information: 1.5 CHES

CHES Provider number:  99036

Disclosures:  The planners, reviewers, and authors have no declared conflicts of interest

Format: Web-based, Self Study

Original Webinar Recorded: January 19, 2018

Author(s) and Presenter(s): Keolamalie McComber

How to Help Clients Living with Communicable Diseases: A Guide for Peers and Community Health Workers

The purpose of this training is to help peers and CHW's understand their role in effectively supporting their clients living with communicable diseases.  This training will inform peers and CHW's about high-risk health conditions associated with substance use disorders, special considerations when working with clients who have been diagnosed with a communicable disease, and their role in supporting these clients.  In addition, this training will equip peer specialists with appropriate resources to which they can refer their clients when additional support is warranted. 

Psycho-Social Needs of Parents Caring for Children with Special Health Care Needs

This presentation provides an overview of children with special health care needs and information to help understand challenges for parents and families.  Resources for parents and families in southern Arizona are provided.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the current prevalence of children with special care needs
  • Understand the common themes that families experience in caring for children with special health care needs 
  • Understand the comprehensive factors parents commonly face when caring for a child with special health care needs
  • Comprehend the issues families face in accessing care for their child with special health care needs
  • Review local resources that families can access to help address some of the challenges when caring for a child with special health care needs

Target Audience:  Health professionals working with children with disabilities

Tier(s) and Competency Domain(s):  Tier 1: Communication Skills, Cultural Competency Skills, Community Dimensions of Practice Skills

Duration:  Approx. 20 min.

Format:  web based/self-study

Created:  6/2018

Author and Presenter: Yvonne M. Bueno, MPH, OTR/L, UA LEND Fellow

Breastfeeding Exposed! Technological Advances Impact Knowledge and Practice

With the use of current technology we know more than ever that breastfeeding is about more than nutrition.  Technological advances in nanotechnology, epigenetics, ultrasound, infant brain imaging and the human microbiome have given us critical information.  With all the knowledge that we have, practices need to change as well.  Changes in simple practices can lead to increased success for women with breastfeeding.  This training presents a case study highlighting areas of practice where interventions can improve breastfeeding success.

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe two current technologies that have improved our ability to understand the anatomy and physiology of breastfeeding.
  • Describe two practices that can increase the likelihood of success for breastfeeding mothers.

Target Audience:  Health professionals working with postpartum women

Duration:  ~ 30 minutes

Continuing Education Information: None available

Format:  Web-based Training, Self Study

Created/ Updated: 9/2016

Presenters:  Madeleine Sigman-Grant, PhD, RD; Meredith Pollaro, OTR/L, IBCLC, RLC

Intellectual Disability

This presentation provides an overview of the clinical care of children and adults who have intellectual disability, including symptoms and treatment options. The depth of care needed and health systems that can be accessed for care will be discussed along with additional resources for further study.

Learning Objectives:

  • Define intellectual disability (ID)
  • List some of the different disorders/syndromes and disabilities that can coincide with ID
  • Understand how ID is assessed
  • List some of the special educational and medical considerations related to ID across childhood and adolescence
  • Become familiar with where to seek additional information/resources about ID in Arizona 

Target Audience:  Health professionals working with children with disabilities

Duration:  ~ 20 minutes

Format:  Web based/ Self-study

Created:  6/2018

Author and Presenter: Bianca Demara, MPH, UA LEND Fellow

Oral Health in Children

The purpose of this online short course is to provide students with a brief history of dental health for children, to address key issues in dental health for the maternal and child health population, and to connect MCH public health professionals with available disease preventive services.

Learning Objectives:

The participant will learn the:

  • History of the profession of dentistry
  • Determinants of oral diseases 
  • Connections between oral infection and systemic disease (in MCH populations)
  • Disease prevention programs available to MCH public health professionals

Target Audience:  Dental Professionals

Duration:  ~ 1 hour

Continuing Education Information:  1.0 CECH for CHES

Format: Recorded Presentation

Created/Updated:  N/A

Author(s) and Presenter(s): Jim Cecil, DMD, MPH

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