Archives: <span>Courses</span>

Public Health Campaigns and Movements for a Just Society

The Nevada Public Health Training Center is pleased to share a recording of the February 2019 Public Health ECHO presented by Sari Bilick. This webinar will discuss the work of Human Impact Partners (HIP) and their theory of change which centers power and building power to create health for all. We will look at two initiatives of HIP — the Health Instead of Punishment Program and Public Health Awakened. These initiatives are calling on the field of public health to look beyond traditional health indicators and focus on health equity and building power while aligning ourselves with social justice movements.

Learning Objectives:

  • Introduce Human Impact Partners and their theory of change
  • Discuss the health impacts of immigration policies
  • Identify Public Health Actions for Immigration Rights (PHAIR) for public health departments

Duration: 1 hour

Format: Web-based Training, Self-Study

Author(s) and Presenter(s): Sari Bilick

Asthma 101 for Schools

Asthma is a common chronic disease that affects up to up 20% of children in the United States, depending on geographic region. Caregivers of children, including school staff, should be have a basic understanding of what asthma is, what asthma triggers are, and a general knowledge of its management.  This e-learning course provides training for school personnel who may interact with children with asthma.

Learning Objectives:

This training has been developed to provide a basic overview of asthma and its management.  After completing the course, learners will be able to:

  • Understand the basic pathophysiology of asthma and identify potential asthma triggers.
  • Explain the difference between quick relief medications (e.g., albuterol) versus chronic controller medications in the management of asthma.
  • Describe how asthma control can be measured or monitored.
  • Understand the purpose of an asthma action plan.
  • Identify indicators of good asthma control.
  • Recognize signs and symptoms of acute asthma and describe basic management.

Immunization: Surround our Babies with Vaccinated Families

Dr. Melinda Wharton, deputy director of the National Center for Immunizations and Respiratory Diseases at the Centers for Disease and Control and Prevention, speaks to students and faculty at the University of Arizona Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health during National Infant Immunization Week (NIIW) in 2011.

Learning Outcomes:

Learners will develop an understanding of a strategy used to protect young persons from certain diseases by vaccinating people who come into contact with the child.

Performance Goals:

  • Identify diseases from which we protect young children by vaccinating adults and others around them ("cocooning")
  • Describe the rationale for the cocooning strategy
  • Describe the recent epidemiology of pertussis

Target Audience: All Allied Health Professionals, Epidemiologists/ Surveillance Staff, Educators/ Trainers, Physicians and Other Clinicians, Healthcare

Duration: ~ 1 hour

Continuing Education Information: None available

Format: Web-based, Self-Study

Created/ Updated: 2/05/2013

Author(s) and Presenter(s): Dr. Melinda Wharton, M.D., M.P.H.

Reframing Disability: Implications for Creating Accessible and Inclusive Communities

This training session will analyze how we commonly frame disability in society and examine how these frames influence professional practice. We will discuss language, media and design and the power of each to shape the disability experience. By analyzing existing systems, we will discuss concepts of universal design and identify ways for participants to increase access by removing the barriers that exclude individuals from participation. Finally, we will review the resources available on campus to faculty, staff and students through the Disability Resource Center. The presenter will also facilitate a question and answer period directly following the presentation.

Amanda Kraus, Ph. D., serves as Assistant Director and Director of the Disabled Veterans Reintegration and Education Project at the University of Arizona Disability Resource Center. Dr. Kraus is also adjunct faculty in the Center for the Study of Higher Education, where she instructs graduate courses on Student Development, Student Services, and Disability in Higher Education. Her research focuses on the disability identity in a context of higher education, and the experience of disability for student veterans. Dr. Kraus has presented at numerous national conferences and will be published in New Directions for Student Services (spring/summer 2012) and the Handbook on Veterans in Higher Education (fall 2012).

Learning Outcomes:

  • Frame disability in society and examine how these frames influence professional practice
  • Identify language, media and design and the power of each to shape the disability experience
  • Identify concepts of universal design
  • Identify ways for participants to increase access by removing the barriers that exclude individuals from participation
  • Identify the resources available on campus to faculty, staff, and students through the Disability Resource Center

Target Audience: General Public Health Staff

Duration: ~ 1 hour

Continuing Education Information: None available

Format: Web-based, Self-Study

Created/ Updated: 02/05/2013

Author(s) and Presenter(s): Dr. Amanda Krause, PhD and Dr. David Dawley, MPH

Active Learning Strategies Using Video

This training is designed to help health educators support learners put information they have learned into practice.  We explain differences between teaching with video alone versus using active learning strategies with videos.  Sample activities are demonstrated with existing videos produced by the WRPHTC on “preparing healthy foods on a budget.”  The videos are available for use in English and Spanish as a resource for this training.  Activities presented are also customizable for use with any videos you may be interested in using as part of group education.  An online forum for community sharing is an optional component to this training.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Explain the ways that videos and interpersonal interaction influence learning.
  • Describe two active learning strategies to use when teaching with video.

Target Audience:

Community Health Workers, Registered Dietitians, Public Health Nurses, and other health professionals leading group education.

Duration:  approx 30 min

Continuing Education Information: 0.5 CECH for CHES

CHES Provider number:  99036

Disclosures:  The planners, reviewers, and authors have no declared conflicts of interest

Format:  web-based, self-study

Created:  10/2018

Authors:  Kathy Spicer, EdD; Allison Root, MS, RD  

Public Health Core Competencies (Pima County)

This training introduces the public health competencies that were designed by the Council on Linkages and customized by the Pima County Health Department. Specifically, this training acquaints you with the competencies so you can begin to use them for career development.

Learning Objective

At the end of this training, you will be able to identify the domains associated with the public health competencies.

Continuing Education:  1.0 Category 1 CHES Credit (no continuing competency credit)

Hawai’i Early Learning Programs for Children: Creating the System Our Children and Families Deserve

A strong early learning system is a wise public investment, returning $3-$8 in long-term benefits for every dollar spent.  High quality childcare and preschool programs enhance school readiness, reduce achievement gaps between privileged and disadvantaged children, and can even have lasting effects on learning, behavior, and health in adulthood.  Reliable, affordable childcare is also a necessity for working parents.  Results of a recent statewide assessment of availability, cost, and quality identified bright spots as well as critical needs in our early learning landscape.  Come and learn about hallmarks of quality programs, which of our communities are childcare deserts, and resources for families.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Review the ways in which high-quality early learning programs promote child and family wellbeing.
  • Discuss the current state of Hawai'i's early learning system for children age 0-5.
  • Share stories about innovative programs in Hawaii and resources to help families locate and pay for preschool and childcare.

Target Audience: Allied Health Professionals, General Public Health Staff, Healthcare

Duration: ~ 1.5 hours

Continuing Education Information: 1.5 CHES

Format: Web-based, Self Study

Original Webinar Recorded: October 19, 2018

Author(s) and Presenter(s): Barbara DeBaryshe, PhD

Opioid Use, Abuse, and Solutions

A wave of opioid addiction is affecting communities both in Hawai'i and on the US continent. Use of opioids such as heroin, morphine, and prescription pain relievers has swelled to levels of dependency in many individuals, and being cut off by well-meaning providers causes many to seek elsewhere.  Several factors contribute to the breadth and complexity of this urgent problem: severe chronic pain, greater use of prescriptions, aggressive marketing by pharmaceutical companies, among others.  Services, solutions, and care management exist here in Hawai'i to reduce harm and improve quality of life for all.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Discuss current trends in opioid use, dependence, and abuse.
  • Review the psychosocial and pharmacologic treatment options for clients with substance abuse/ dependence.
  • Summarize what services are available for opioid dependent clients in Hawai'i and how to assist in the coordination of care.

Target Audience:  Healthcare Professionals, Public Health, Substance Abuse Professionals

Duration: ~ 1.5 hours

Continuing Education Information: 1.5 CHES

Format: Web-based, Self Study

Original Webinar Recorded: September 21, 2018

Author(s) and Presenter(s): Heather Lusk, MSW

Mental Wellness: Mental Health Screening Tools and Solutions

Mental wellness is becoming increasingly tricky to maintain in our busy lives even as stigma decreases and access to care increases. 1 in 5 people in the U.S. have a diagnosable mental health condition yet many do not seek treatment. Early intervention is key to both prevention and successful recovery. Screening tools are widely available and can be used to identify potential needs in a variety of settings, including primary care. Mental Health America has made ten screening tools easily accessible to the public online: depression, anxiety, bipolar, PTSD, Youth, Parent (for child concern), alcohol or substance use, psychosis, eating disorder, and work health survey. Their Screening to Supports (S2S) Initiative offers users the ability to self-screen and connect with supports in their community.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Examine MHA’s online mental health screening tools and how to interpret individuals’ results.
  • Discuss screening results and recommendations for both national and Hawai‘i trends.
  • Review Hawai‘i-based tools, resources and information for mental health.

Target Audience: Healthcare Professionals, Mental Health Professionals, Public Health

Tier(s) and Competency Domain(s): Tier I- Communication Skills, Community Dimensions of Practice Skills; Tier II- Communication Skills, Cultural Competency Skills; Tier III- Communication Skills

Duration: ~ 1.5 hours

Continuing Education Information: 1.5 CHES

Format: Web-based, Self Study

Original Webinar Recorded: August 10, 2018

Author(s) and Presenter(s): Trisha Kajimura, MPH

Mediation Skills: Peaceful Resolution and Soothing Communication Tips

Mediation is at the core of dispute resolution.  By educating and helping people to resolve conflict, their quality of life is enhanced and as well as that of their family, friends, neighbors and co-workers.  The Mediation Center of the Pacific, Inc. provides Hawai'i residents with peaceful approaches to working through conflict through programs and processes that meet the unique needs of Hawai'i's culturally diverse population.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Discuss the techniques for good negotiation and dispute resolution.
  • Examine how to practice processes needed to advance negotiation to peaceful resolution.
  • Share case studies of how people have negotiated and resolve conflict creatively.

Target Audience:  Educators/ Trainers, Public Health, Others

Tier(s) and Competency Domain(s): Tier I- Communication Skills, Leadership and System Thinking Skills; Tier II- Communication Skills, Leadership and System Thinking Skills; Tier III- Leadership and System Thinking Skills

Duration: ~ 1.5 hours

Continuing Education Information: 1.5 CHES

Format: Web-based, Self Study

Original Webinar Recorded: June 15, 2018

Author(s) and Presenter(s): Tracey Wiltgen, Esq.

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