Archives: <span>Courses</span>

Episode 7: Talking About the Privilege in Healthy Food Access and Physical Activity

Dr. Douglas Taren and Abby Stoica, Director and Associate Director of the Western Region Public Health Training Center, join Sana to talk about the impact of geography, environment, and socioeconomic status on food access and physical activity opportunities. 

Douglas Taren, PhD, MS, focuses primarily on maternal and child nutrition with a special emphasis on decreasing health disparities within low income populations and countries. He is currently the director of the Western Region Public Health Training Center for HRSA Region 9.

Learning Objectives

  1. Discuss the role of socioeconomic status in determining access to healthy food. 
  2. Explain how built environment can impact physical activity levels in a community. 
  3. Identify strategies to improve food access and physical activity at a policy or environmental level.

Continuing Education Information: 0.5 CECH for CHES

CHES Provider number:  99036

Date Released: 10-16-19

Episode 6: Navigating Politics to Advance Public Health Policy

Dr. Richard Carmona, 17th Surgeon General of the United States, joins Sana Khan and Emily Maas to talk about navigating politics and communication strategies to advance public health policy, focusing on tobacco cessation.

Richard Carmona, MD, MPH, FACS, was the 17th Surgeon General of the United States, an appointed professor of public health at the University of Arizona Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health, and the vice chairman of the Canyon Ranch Institute.

Emily Maass, MPH, specializes in public health policy & management, and currently is part of  the CDC’s Pubic Health Associate Program, where she works with the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians Department of Public Health and Human Services on accreditation efforts.

Continuing Education Information: 0.75 CECH for CHES

CHES Provider number:  99036

Date Released: 10-9-19

Episode 5: Putting the Focus on Equity, Trust, and Community in Program Planning

Sana speaks with Dr. David Garcia and Rosie Vogel about the importance of community-based program planning, gaining trust, implementing gender and culturally appropriate public health programs, and advocating for underserved communities.

David Garcia, PhD, is an assistant professor of health promotion sciences at the University of Arizona Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health. His work focuses on the development of gender and culturally sensitive weight loss interventions for Hispanic males. 

Rosie Vogel is the senior program coordinator of “Nosotros Comprometidos a Su Salud” (Committed to Your Health), a program developed to support research through community service and partnering with underserved Tucson residents.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Discuss ways to establish trust within a community.
  2. Explain why gender and culturally appropriate public health programs are important when tackling health disparities.
  3. Identify strategies to obtaining community input when planning public health programs.

Continuing Education Information: 0.75 CECH for CHES

CHES Provider number:  99036

Date Released: 10-2-19

Episode 4: Getting Down and Dirty with Environmental Health Concerns

In this episode, Dr. Kelly Reynolds and Dr. Jonathan Sexton talk about translating research into action and spreading awareness of environmental health concerns. They touch on topics like using media outlets to communicate health concerns, geographical disparities in the distribution of environmental health concerns, and unlikely sources of disease outbreaks.

Kelly Reynolds, PhD, is an environmental science researcher and public health educator that specializes in water quality, food safety, and disease transmission. She is also director of the Environment, Exposure Science and Risk Assessment Center (ESRAC), which promotes interdisciplinary research involving academic and industry cooperatives.

Jonathan Sexton, PhD, is also a research in environmental science at ESRAC, specializing the in the occurrence and control of environmental pathogens. He is currently evaluating the applied use of disinfectants and sanitizers on porous and non-porous surfaces in the healthcare arena.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Identify sources of disease outbreaks and practices to prevent spread of illness or disease.
  2. Discuss how public health can partner with media to spread awareness of environmental health concerns.
  3. Determine how location can play a role in exposure to environmental health concerns.

Continuing Education Information: 0.5 CECH for CHES

CHES Provider number:  99036

Date Released: 9-25-19

Episode 3: Connecting Climate Change with Public Health

Listen to Dr. Kacey Ernst as she discusses the impact of climate change on public health, including root causes of health like poverty and food production, and considers the role of the public health workforce in addressing climate change mitigation.

Kacey Ernst, PhD, MPH, is an infectious disease epidemiologist whose research focuses on the environmental determinants of vector-borne disease transmission and control. She also takes an active role in working with local health departments to examine questions related to vaccine preventable diseases.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Explain how climate change can impact the ecology of infectious disease, as well as the health of communities.
  2. Discuss the impact of climate change on island nations and lower income nations.
  3. Define strategies to strengthen the capacity of the public health workforce to address climate change.

Continuing Education Information: 0.5 CECH for CHES

CHES Provider number:  99036

Date Released: 9-18-19

Systems Thinking for Childhood Obesity Prevention

Systems thinking is an approach to solving complex problems promoted by researchers and policy makers.  This training guides you through taking a systems approach to childhood obesity prevention, and presents ways to think about evaluating your approach.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Explain how to identify critical leverage points within a system.
  2. Explain methods for evaluating effectiveness of systems approaches.
  3. Practice taking a systems approach for childhood obesity prevention.

Learning Outcome:

Implement and evaluate systems approaches to childhood obesity prevention.

Target Audience:  Public Health Professionals

Duration: 30 min.

Continuing Education Information: 0.5 Category 1 CHES Credits, 0.5 Continuing Competency

Disclosures:  There are no declared conflicts of interest

Format: Web-based Training, Self-Study

Created: Nov. 2019

Author: Allison Root, MS, RD

Public Health Learning Navigator Quality Seal

Advance Care Planning to Improve Patient Care

This presentation will help attendees understand the importance of Advanced Care Planning.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Analyze the importance of Advance Care Planning (ACP) for all competent individuals over the age of 18 and the appropriate documents to support wishes for care.
  • Apply practical knowledge of the proper use of Advance Directives and/or Provider's Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment (POLST).
  • Gain understanding and confidence in initiating and facilitating ACP conversations by using resources and tools presented.

Target Audience: Public Health Professionals

Duration: ~ 1.5 hours

Continuing Education Information: 1.5 CECH for CHES, 1.5 CPEUs for RDs

Format: Web-based Training, Self-Study

Created/Updated: October 11, 2019

Author(s)/ Presenter(s): Hope Young, Advanced Care Planning Coordinator, Kokua Mau

Behind the Headlines: What is Really Happening with Opioid Use and Treatment in Hawai’i

Use of opioids such as heroin, morphine, and prescription pain relievers has expanded to levels of dependency in many individuals. Several factors contribute to the breadth and complexity of this urgent problem: severe chronic pain, greater use of prescriptions, aggressive marketing by pharmaceutical companies, among others. Updates about treatment, services, solutions, and resources exist here in Hawai‘i to reduce harm and improve quality of life for all.

Learning Outcomes

  • Identify approved medications to treat opioid use disorder.
  • Discuss opioid intervention and updates about management of opioid use disorder.
  • Appropriately refer patients to resources and services to treat opioid-dependent clients in Hawai‘i.
  • Appropriately coordinate care for patients that are opioid dependent.

Target Audience: Nurses, Pharmacy Professionals, Substance Use Professionals

Duration: ~ 1.5 hours

Continuing Education Information: 1.5 Category 1 CHES Credits, 1.5 Continuing Competency Credits

Format: Web-based, Self Study

Original Webinar Recorded: September 20, 2019

Author(s) and Presenter(s): Heather Lusk, MSW and Christina Wang, DNS From Hawai‘i Health and Harm Reduction Center

Episode 2: Shifting the Focus of Women’s Health from Procreation to Gynecologic Issues

Join Dr. Leslie Farland and Kelly Heslin as they discuss research, awareness, and funding surrounding women’s health issues, particularly focusing on disparities and barriers to care for women with endometriosis.

Leslie Farland, ScD, focuses her research on women’s health, particularly looking at the intersection between women’s reproductive health and chronic disease risk; etiology and risk factors for endometriosis, infertility, and polycystic ovary syndrome; and disparities in access to infertility care and fertility treatment utilization.

Kelly Heslin is a Senior Research Specialist and certified health education specialist at the College of Nursing at the University of Arizona, currently working on skin cancer prevention research. Her diagnosis of endometriosis at age 22 led to her participation in local and statewide advocacy and support efforts. 

Learning objectives:

  1. Identify reasons for the poor awareness and diagnosis of endometriosis.
  2. Discuss solutions for improving the screening and recognition of endometriosis by healthcare providers.
  3. Define the role of the public health workforce in advocating for and normalizing conversations around gynecologic health.

Continuing Education Information: 0.75 CECH for CHES

CHES Provider number:  99036

Date Released: 9-11-19

Episode 1: Creating Environments that Prevent Sexual Aggression

Join Dr. Elise Lopez and Erica Freese as they discuss cultural, social, and environmental issues related to sexual aggression, including bystander education, communication strategies, and adaptation of interventions.

Elise Lopez, DrPH, MPH, is the director of the University of Arizona Consortium on Gender-Based Violence. Her work examines the design, implementation, and evaluation of interventions related to sexual violence, sexual health, adolescent substance abuse, and trauma-informed care.

Erica Freese, MPH, is the Program Coordinator of the Advanced Nursing Education - Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Program, a HRSA-funded program to expand sexual assault response services in rural areas.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Discuss strategies used by the Safer Bars Alliance to mitigate the normalization of sexual aggression and non-consent, particularly environmental strategies.
  2. Examine the role of communication in implementing public health programs that address sexual violence.
  3. Explain the importance of adapting public health interventions to address the needs of different contexts and populations.

Continuing Education Information: 0.75 CECH for CHES

CHES Provider number:  99036

Date Released: 9-5-19

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