Archives: <span>Courses</span>

Professional Development for Supervisors

Professional development and continual learning is critical to developing new skills, staying up-to-date on best practices, and advancing careers. This training will review techniques to motivate, guide, and develop staff. Participants will learn of workforce development opportunities to guide employees within behavioral health organizations.

Learning Objectives:

  • Recognize the importance of motivating employees and identify appropriate methods of motivating employees
  • Describe the most successful approaches for guiding employees and expanding their knowledge and skill levels
  • Identify personal strengths and areas of improvement and know who and how to ask for help when needed

Target Audience:  Mid-level supervisors

Duration:  45 minutes

Continuing Education Information:  0.75 Category 1 CHES Credits, 0.5 Continuing Competency

Format:  Web-based Training, Self-Study

Created/Updated:  October 2020

Author(s)/ Presenter(s):  Michael Mandel, MBA

Arranged by:  Caitlin Meyer Krause, MPH; Instructional Specialist

Leadership for Supervisors

Leadership skills better equip people to influence others to develop new skills, realize their potential, and work collectively toward a common goal. This training will focus on building and strengthening leadership skills for mid-level supervisors. Participants will learn what makes an effective leader and techniques for managing work, problem solving, and critical thinking that help support supervisors in behavioral health organizations.

Learning Objectives:  

  1. Identify various leadership strategies to improve team performance
  2. Describe ways to facilitate change in the workplace 
  3. Apply successful methods for managing the work of employees

Target Audience: Mid-level supervisors

Duration: ~ 45 minutes

Continuing Education Information: 0.75 Category 1 CHES Credits, 0.75 Continuing Competency Credits

Disclosures:  The planners, reviewers, and authors have no declared conflicts of interest

Format:  Web-based Training, Self-Study

Created/Updated:  September 2020

Author(s)/ Presenter(s):  Kenneth Schachter, MD, MBA

Arranged by:  Caitlin Meyer Krause, MPH; Instructional Specialist

Performance Management for Supervisors

Performance management is an important piece to a successful workplace. Through performance management, supervisors work together with their employees to help them be successful in their assigned position. This training will focus on performance management skills for supervisors working in behavioral health organizations. Participants will learn components of, and tools for, effective management skills to help their employees succeed in the workplace.

Learning Objectives:  

  1. Review the importance of and list effective strategies for identifying and developing employee skills
  2. Identify successful approaches for effective employee evaluations 
  3. Discuss the importance of and methods for providing employee feedback and frequency
Continuing Education: 0.75 Category 1 Credits for CHES, 0.75 Continuing Competency

Overdose Fatality Review Teams: An Introduction

Overdose fatality reviews can be critical to developing expertise on and solutions to the prevention of overdose deaths. This course describes the need for overdose fatality review teams, the general nature of those teams, and factors to consider when developing them. 

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe how overdose fatality review teams are structured.
  • List the types of experts that commonly participate in overdose review teams.
  • Identify the kinds of data measures considered by overdose review teams.
  • Discuss case studies of overdose review teams.
  • Specify the locations of several selected overdose review teams.
  • Identify additional resources for developing an OFR team.
Target Audience:  Law enforcement professionals, Healthcare professionals, Community services professionals

Duration:  ~ 45 minutes

Continuing Education Information:  0.75 Category 1 CHES Credits, 0.75 Continuing Competency

CHES Provider number:  99036

Format:  Web-based Training, Self-Study

Created/Updated: May 2021

Author(s): James Cunningham, PhD

Arranged by: Dulce Rodríguez, BS

Disclosures:  The planners, reviewers, and authors have no declared conflicts of interest.

An Introduction to Effective Professional Communication

Being professional is much more than appropriate dress and the degree you earned; it's how you interact and respond to the environment and people around you. This training module is to prepare you for the workplace, or to give you a refresher on effective, professional communication in the workplace. 

Communication is at the core of effective public health practice, and effective public health communication has been recognized by many public health leaders as a requirement to promote health and protect the public.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the role of emotional intelligence plays in professional communication
  • Recognize ways to engage professionally in the workplace
  • Identify five components of proper email communication in a professional setting

Target Audience: Students, General Public Health Staff

Course Duration: ~ 30 minutes

Continuing Education Information:  0.5 Category 1 CHES Credits, 0.5 Continuing Competency

CHES Provider ID:  99036

Format: Web-based, Self-study

Created/Updated: June, 2020

Author(s)/ Presenter(s):  Brittney Trang

Episode 16: Pandemic Response: COVID-19, college students, and sexual assault

Join Dr. Mary Koss and Dr. Elise Lopez to learn more about the issues facing college students on closed campuses, specifically in regards to alcohol consumption and sexual assault. Their recent article is available at

Learning Objectives:

    • Summarize current research on sexual assault among college students

    • Describe the risk of sexual assault and coercion among college students during campus and state closures during the COVID-19 pandemic

    • Discuss ideas for new public health education programs for liquor stores and other places selling alcohol

Duration: 33 min.

Continuing Education Information: 0.5 CECH for CHES

Provider Number: 99036

Date Released: 6/2020

Episode 15: Pandemic Response: Zoonotic Disease, Forecast Modeling, and the Healthcare System

Dr. Keith Joiner and Dr. Joe Gerald join us in this episode to discuss a variety of topics related to COVID-19, including the emergence of zoonotic diseases, the use of modeling in the pandemic, and the economic impact on hospitals and healthcare.

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe the emergence of zoonotic disease

  • Discuss the importance of forecast modeling and various models used for COVID-19

  • Discuss the economic impact COVID-19 has had on hospitals and the healthcare system

Continuing Education Information:  0.5 CECH for CHES

Provider number: 99036

Date released: 6/2020

Duration: 29 min

Episode 14: Pandemic Response: Communication and Messaging

In this episode, Dr. Stephen Rains and Dr. Laura Gronewold have a conversation about effective communication and messaging strategies during a crisis, the impact of the media narrative on public response and mental health, and the intersection between American values and culture with health messaging.

Learning Objectives:

  • Discuss messaging and methods the popular media has used to influence the actions of the public during pandemic.

  • Discuss the intersection between American values and culture with health messaging

  • Compare approaches the media versus public health professionals take to educate the public about COVID-19

  • Recommend effective communication strategies and messaging guidelines to educate the public while responding to a pandemic.

  • Introduce the AZCOVIDTXT program

Continuing Education Information:  0.5 CECH for CHES

Provider number: 99036

Date released: 5/2020

Episode 13: Pandemic Response: Developing Vaccines

Dr. Brenda Hogue and Dr. Bert Jacobs from Arizona State University discuss their work to develop SARS-CoV-2 vaccines in this episode of "Keeping Up with Public Health: Pandemic Response."

Learning Objectives:

    • Describe a realistic timeline for the creation of vaccinations

    • Identify and discuss various vaccine platforms

    • Discuss immune responses to vaccines

    • Discuss vaccinating individuals against COVID-19

Duration: 22 min.

Continuing Education Information:  0.5 CECH for CHES

CHES Provider number:  99036

Date released:  May 2020

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