Building Futures: AI in Healthcare, Tech Equity, and Workforce Development
This presentation explores how AI is transforming healthcare by addressing public health challenges, promoting tech equity, and creating new workforce opportunities. Participants will learn how AI tools like predictive and prescriptive analytics and natural language processing are being used to improve health outcomes and reduce disparities. Real-world case studies from Waianae Coast Comprehensive Health Center (WCCHC) will highlight successful partnerships and initiatives. The session will also discuss the critical role of digital inclusion in enabling communities to benefit from AI advancements in healthcare and workforce development.
Learning Objectives:
By the end of this training learners will be able to:
Explore the role of AI in improving healthcare delivery and addressing public health challenges.
Highlight successful case studies showcasing AI’s impact on underserved populations and cost savings.
- Emphasize the importance of digital inclusion for tech equity and workforce development.
Format: Recorded webinar.
Duration: 1.5 hrs.
Speaker: Chrissy Kuahine, Director of Tech Equity, MIS
Target Audience: Public Health Professionals including community health workers, doctors, nurses, social workers, dietitians, and health educators.
Recorded: 12/6/2024
Disclosures: The planners, reviewers, and authors have no declared conflicts of interest.
CE Available: The recorded version of this training is only eligible for CHES continuing education.
- Continuing Education Contact Hours for Certified Health Education Specialists (CHES): This program is designated for Certified Health Education Specialists (CHES®) and/or Master Certified Health Education Specialists (MCHES®) to receive up to 1.5 total Category I continuing education contact hours. WRPHTC provider number 99036.
Accreditation Statement
The WRPHTC is a Designated Multiple Event Provider of Continuing Education Contact Hours (CECH) for Certified Health Education Specialists (CHES) through the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, Inc.