3. Principles of Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
Principles of Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Course Topics:
- Perspective of Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
- Costs
- Quality
- Interpreting the Cost-Effectiveness Ratio
- Types of Economic Analysis
Learning Objectives:
- This course will provide learners with the tools to effectively train
users on calculating return of investment topics specific to principles of
Target Audience: Environmental
Health Professionals, Policy/ Planner, Researchers/ Analysts, General Public
Health Staff, Information Systems Professionals
Tier(s) and Competency Domain(s):
Tier Two –Financial Planning and Management Skills; Tier Three – Financial
Planning and Management Skills.
Duration: ~ 50 minutes
Continuing Education Information: N/A
Format: Web-based Training,
Created/Updated: January 25, 2015
Author: Patrick M. Bernet, PhD