The Request To Speak program (RTS):
The Request To Speak program (RTS) is a tool that enables community members to register opinions on bills listed on agenda and to request to speak on a bill in a committee. This system replaced the former paper system that required community members to physically come to the capitol to sign in to speak or register an opinion. The RTS program, after an initial set-up at a kiosk, allows citizens to participate from their computers. Watch the 4-minute tutorial video to learn how to use the RTS program. For more information about how to navigate the policy process tune in to “Arizona Common Ground,” a podcast with the inside story of how public health policies and laws get developed.
Tutorials: English tutorial | Spanish tutorial
Tips & Tricks for Eating More Home Cooked Meals:
A series of three video demonstrations to help plan, store, and prepare fresh food at home to save time and money. Videos available in English and Spanish.
English Videos: How to Prepare for the Week | Proper Food Storage | 3 Ways to Cook Vegetables
Spanish Videos: Como Preparar Alimentos para la Semana | Guardar Alimentos | 3 Maneras de Preparar Vegetables
Modifying a Family Centered Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Care Program for Mothers and Infants:
Management of infants with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) and mothers with Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) using family centered approaches in hospital settings requires special considerations for the mother-infant dyad. These materials were developed in partnership with Banner, Tucson’s Family Centered Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (FC-NAS) Care Program; a family centered NICU care model aimed at using non-pharmacological treatment strategies as the first-line clinical management for infants with NAS. The NICU staff works with mothers and families during the NICU stay and teaches non-pharmacological approaches for managing the infant through the withdrawal phase, such as calming and soothing techniques, safe sleep, and skin to skin care. The FC-NAS Care Program staff prioritized parent education topics to reinforce the education that staff are providing to families during their NICU stay. The parent education materials developed consist of three videos and brochures to accompany the video content. Parents will be able to access this education both during their inpatient NICU stay and after discharge home. For more information, view the training on Caring for Infants with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome and Mothers with Opioid Use Disorder.
What is NAS and Infant Withdrawal?: Video | Brochure
How to Calm and Soothe My Baby: Video | Brochure
Safe Sleep for Mom and Baby: Video | Brochure