Training Resources

Check out the links below for more public health training resources:



The TrainingFinder Real-time Affiliate Integrated Network, or TRAIN, is the nation’s premier learning resource for professionals who protect the public’s health. TRAIN is comprised of the national site and participating TRAIN affiliate sites. Affiliate sites are managed by many state public health agencies, academic partners, and others. As TRAIN grows, it serves a larger portion of the U.S. public health workforce.  Because all TRAIN sites are connected, TRAIN users can access information about state, local, national, or international training available to them through any participating TRAIN site.


Public Health Learning Navigator:

The Learning Navigator is a streamlined, curated online resource supporting quality learning for the public health workforce. The Learning Navigator saves you time, by doing the hard work of finding quality, online learning opportunities. Our quality review process is transparent, and supports continued improvement for learners and training developers alike. 


Public Health Learning Agenda:

The purpose of the Public Health Learning Agenda Toolkit (Toolkit) is to help public health organizations and their partners envision how the public health workforce can address and achieve systems change. By working through multiple Learning Approaches and learning opportunities, a workforce development leader can develop a Learning Agenda that will lead to systems change. This Toolkit includes a conceptual Learning Framework, which illustrates the concepts behind the Learning Agenda, and the process planning tools necessary for public health leaders and workforce development specialists to accomplish the steps of the Learning Agenda, and achieve their vision of systems change.


Racial Justice Competency Model for Public Health Professionals:

The Public Health Training Center Network (PHTCN), with support from the National Network of Public Health Institutes (NNPHI), formed a racial justice workgroup in 2020 with the aim to assist individuals and organizations in putting racial equity and justice principles into practice. The workgroup developed the Racial Justice Competency Model for Public Health Professionals (RJCM) as an educational and operational framework for the public health workforce. The RJCM gives public health professionals a single, clear, specific competency set for intentionally promoting equity and racial justice. Public health professionals can use the RJCM for training, hiring, performance management, and policy development while addressing racism in public health.


Making Health Happen:

A collaborative website supported by the University of Nevada Reno’s School of Public Health, the Larson Institute, the Nevada Public Health Insittute, the Nevada Public Health Training Center, and the Western Region Public Health Training Center. Webinars, conferences, trainings, and other resources from the Nevada Public Health Training Center can be found here. 


Public Health Communications Collaborative:

The COVID-19 pandemic has powerfully demonstrated the critical need for public health protections. Misinformation and conflicting messages about COVID-19 have confused Americans and eroded trust in public health organizations. Maintaining and strengthening the credibility of these organizations at the federal, state, and local levels is critical to making communities healthier and ultimately saving lives. The Public Health Communications Collaborative (PHCC) was formed in 2020 to coordinate and amplify public health messaging on COVID-19 and increase Americans’ confidence in guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and state and local public health officials. 


Berkeley Media Studies Group:

BMSG is a nonprofit organization dedicated to expanding advocates’ ability to improve the systems and structures that determine health. Through media advocacy training and consultation, we help advocates harness lessons from that research and develop the skills they need to shape journalists’ coverage of health issues so that it illuminates the need for policies that improve the places where people live, learn, work and play.


Bay Area Regional Health Inequities Initiatives (BARHII):

BARHII is a coalition of the San Francisco Bay Area’s eleven health departments and their partners committed to advancing health equity. BARHII provides training on a range of topics that include adaptive leadership, housing affordability, racial equity, workforce equity, and more. They also provide tools for state and local health departments to identify the skills, organizational practices, and infrastructure needed to address health equity: State Health Department Organizational Self-Assessment for Achieving Health Equity | Local Health Department Organizational Self-Assessment for Achieving Health Equity.


UC Berkeley’s School of Public Health: The Maternal, Child, and Adolescent Health (MCAH) Life Course Perspective, Practice, & Leadership course 

The Maternal, Child, and Adolescent Health (MCAH) Life Course Perspective, Practice, & Leadership course is designed to provide an understanding of life course perspective, its practical applications, and related leadership opportunities. The life course perspective is a conceptual framework for understanding health trajectories of populations over time. This course first provides a brief summary of the development and central components of this perspective, then focuses on practical applications of this perspective in both healthcare settings and public health interventions. Through interviews with leaders in the MCAH field, including clinicians, researchers, and public health practitioners, this course will highlight essential leadership knowledge and skills necessary to apply a life course perspective in practice.


Reviews and Ratings of Selected Online Courses for Public Health Professionals: Review and Ratings

The WRPHTC continues its efforts in reviewing and rating select online courses for public health professionals. Public health interns review TRAIN courses in an effort to avoid duplication of courses while addressing the training topics needed by health departments. The WRPHTC adapted the Quality Matters form from the University of Arizona’s Office of Instruction and Assessment to develop a guide that lists high-scoring, recommended courses.


Recruitment Toolkit:

The Biden Administration announced on Jan. 21, 2021, and again in May, 2021, a $7.4 billion investment in the public health workforce, and around $4 billion was made available for governmental health departments to apply for in summer 2022. This new funding creates a special opportunity for health departments to replenish their workforce, at least temporarily. If used strategically, health departments can deliberately transform to be as inclusive as possible and transition these grant-funded hires to permanent ones–if they have the right resources to identify their needs, attract the right candidates, onboard them, and convert them to permanent hires. This page is the beginning of a one-stop shopping resource for full-cycle recruitment for local, state, Tribal and territorial government health departments. 


Public Health Model Job Descriptions:

The Public Health Model Job Descriptions Project is an initiative of the Region V Public Health Training Center at the University of Michigan School of Public Health and the Center for Public Health Systems at the University of Minnesota School of Public Health. Together, we have created evidence-based job descriptions and attractive job postings that can be easily adapted by local and state health departments. This project was led by Heather Krasna, PhD, MS, EdM, co-author of the book 101+ Careers in Public Health, 3rd Edition, and a public health workforce consultant and researcher. These job descriptions and postings are meant as a starting point for health departments that are aiming to update existing descriptions or ensure their job descriptions are attractive to new candidates. Local or state health departments should work with their HR or civil service department to ensure the job matches a job analysis of the position and to ensure they are listing the essential functions of the role.

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