Policy Approaches to Prevent Vaping Among Youth

Join our panel of three policy experts from Arizona, California, and Hawaii to compare the policy approaches and experiences of each state in addressing e-cigarette use among youth.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Discuss legislative initiatives at the state and local level that have been proposed to address e-cigarette use among youth.
  • Identify challenges to passing policies that limit e-cigarette use among youth.
  • Share strategies to increase success at passing policies that address e-cigarette use.

Target Audience: Health Professionals, Public Health Professionals

Tier(s) and Competency Domain(s): Tier 1- Policy Development/Program Planning Skills, Community Dimensions of Practice Skills; Tier 2- Policy Development/Program Planning Skills, Community Dimensions of Practice Skills; Tier 3- Policy Development/Program Planning Skills, Community Dimensions of Practice Skills

Duration: ~ 1 hour

Continuing Education Information:  1.0 CHES

Format:  Web-based Training, Self-study

Created/Updated:  July 10, 2019

Author(s)/Presenter(s):  Heather Carter, Arizona State Senator, Tim Gibbs, American Cancer Society, Trish La Chica, Hawaii Public Health Institute