Collective Leadership – A Sense of Place Grounded in Hawai’i

Leadership development is active in Hawai’i through the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation grant called Culture of Health.  Hawai’i Public Health Nurses at DOH Nursing Branch have been preparing nurses and along with an interprofessional team for leadership roles in management, policy, and practice to create healthier places to live, learn, work and plan.  Culture of Health project is guiding people to honor their own “sense of self” with self-health care and utilizing best practices of wellbeing through a sense of place and integrated culture of community health.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Review progress with Culture of Health project implemented throughout Hawaii
  • Discuss evidence-based leadership initiative and its aspects
  • Explore the impact and desired outcomes for the collective leadership partnerships

Target Audience: Allied Healthcare Professionals, Healthcare Professionals, Nurses, Policy/ Planner

Duration: ~ 1.5 hours

Continuing Education Information: 1.5 CHES

Format: Recorded Webinar

Original Webinar Recorded: May 18, 2018

Author(s) and Presenter(s): Joan Takamori, RN, BS, MS and Gloria Fernandez, DNP, MSN, PHN