Are you involved in water safety for buildings? Take the free training from CDC and partners on creating a water management program to reduce risk for Legionnaires’ disease. The training aligns with industry standards on managing risk for Legionella bacteria (ASHRAE 188).
What Are the Benefits of This Training? The training
Outlines how to reduce risk for Legionella in facilities through water management programs.
Helps water management programs align with ASHRAE 188 on reducing risk for Legionella in building water systems (e.g., potable water, cooling towers, hot tubs, decorative water features).
Is free and available online, and continuing education units are available from the National Environmental Health Association (NEHA).
How Long Does It Take? Pilot testers took an average of a half hour to complete each module and an average of 3 hours to complete the training as a whole.
Users do not have to complete the training all at once. They can save their progress and come back later to complete a module.
Who Developed It? The following groups developed this training:
CDC’s National Center for Environmental Health,
CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases,
The National Network of Public Health Institutes,
The University of Arizona Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health, and
The Western Region Training Center at the University of Arizona.
Learning Objectives: This training addresses how to manage;
Building water systems in hospitals, retirement homes and long-term care facilities, hotels, high-rise apartment complexes, and other buildings.
Other devices that may need a water management program even if the building does not, such as cooling towers, decorative fountains and water features, hot tubs, and misters.
This course aims to expand foundational knowledge for using non-pharmacological approaches when caring for infants with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) and working with mothers with Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) in hospital settings.
Health care institutions have the potential to play an influential role in creating a healthier food system. Hospitals have large food service budgets, reach a large population, and are trusted authorities on health issues, created for the purpose of preserving wellness.
Uncertainty about laws and supported treatment strategies often leave patients experiencing Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) mistreated and under-treated. This course aims to clarify supported treatment methods used in Emergency Departments to support better health outcomes.